Azan Caro


A la frontière entre la techno et la pop moderne, la musique d’Azan Caro oscille entre envolées colorées et explorations plus sombres. Entremêlées de textures vocales et de paroles aussi mélancoliques qu’idéalistes, ses compositions illustrent la patte artistique savamment peaufinée d’Azan Caro. 

Pianiste au conservatoire de paris, il se tourne rapidement vers la musique Ă©lectronique et Ă©tudie Ă  Catalyst Music Ă  Berlin pour dĂ©buter sa carrière en Allemagne. Rapidement reconnu par ses pairs Ă  travers des collaborations avec les meilleurs artistes et labels de la scène techno moderne (RAW, Bipolar Disorder, Selected, NALI, AREA…), ce jeune artiste ne cesse de mĂ»rir une vision musicale partagĂ©e entre exigence technique et ingĂ©niositĂ© crĂ©ative.

ÉlĂ©gante mais dĂ©complexĂ©e, parfois douce et théâtrale, la musique d’Azan Caro valse avec le public et l’étourdit avec maĂ®trise. Ă€ travers un live en constante Ă©volution, Azan Caro y exprime toutes ses facettes, entraĂ®nant le public dans son univers fascinant et insaisissable.



Somewhere between techno and modern pop, Azan Caro’s music oscillates between colorful moods and darker explorations. Blending vocal textures and lyrics as melancholic as they are idealistic, his compositions illustrate Azan Caro’s skilfully polished artistic style. 

A pianist at the Paris Conservatoire, he soon turned to electronic music, studying at Catalyst Music in Berlin before launching his career in Germany. Quickly recognized by his peers through collaborations with some of the best artists and labels on the modern techno scene (RAW, Bipolar Disorder, Selected, NALI, AREA…), this young artist continues to develop a musical vision combining technical sophistication and creative ingenuity.

Elegant yet uninhibited, at times gentle and theatrical, Azan Caro’s music swings with the audience and stuns them with skill. In a constantly evolving live set, Azan Caro expresses all his facets, taking the audience into his fascinating and elusive universe.

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